Friday, June 27, 2008

Acupuncture- will it help?

Okay, I'll try just about anything. Today was the go go round with Acupuncture. Dr. Liu at Austin Oriental Medicine Clinic. First time patient -I was a leery walk in. Completed the forms ran my credit card through the machine and $85.00 later I was foot naked and belly exposed on the cushion bed with him pricking needles in me. My stomach for indigestion, my shins and ankles for circulation and my forehead -I guess for sleep. We'll see how Dr. Liu did tonight. Half way through the 90 minute treatment (sure get a lot for your $85.00) I started to cramp and had to yell for help. My leg all were numb for 10-15 minutes based on the placement of his needles, I mean, Man- I could have be a parapalegthic and not known it. Then all of a sudden whack- everything went out of sych and I started to cramp. As bad as I've ever cramped up. He removed the needles and tried to massage the kinks out to me but No Doin. I was tighter than a drum. Geez, acupuncture does work some how. It can really balance and unbalance you body flow. I was once a skeptic, now I believe. I''m going back to see what a 2nd treatment does. I bought some herbs he prescribed for sleep and digestion. We'll what they do. Go golly, miss Molly I'm tweaking my old bod in so many ways -we may have too many varibables to know what's a keeper and what's a waiste of time. At this point , I'm desperate until Mayo Clinic. Mayo Count Down 9 days. Can't wait. Please God, let me sleep, All I want to do is sleep

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rolling and rocking -keep that midnight train going

Okay- mix the meds- Mirtazapene with PerPhenazine throw in some Xanax and maybe split a Valium or so. Then I'm supposed to sleep. I know what Heath Ledger went through. It's simple- I tried to get my three doctors to arrange a conference call and talk about my case (Sleep Doctor, Family Practice Guy and Psychiatrist) real simple concept- at the end of everyone's day they just call into a bridge number and Case Number 10001 is me. Let's all talk about me and who prescribing what and when. But NO. Doctors don't do that. I couldn't tell you the thousands of Conference Calls at Microsoft I've been on over the last 10 years on silly little subjects (how to expense a business trip to certain campaign etc...). Seems every Monday I had 6 conference calls in one day. Not to talk about the number of conference call at the end of a quarter or FY. Doctors don't want to communicate with each - they hide . They avoid conflict much better than a Microsoft middle manager could ever dream avoiding conflict (that's a joke). I thought doctors were charged with oath - This is from that oath :"I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.
To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause his death."

All I wanted was a joint meeting of the minds- who's treating what part of my body, when and why and how. And who has first call. Is that so difficult? In medicine today sadly, it is.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Good News - I get another Evaluaton -This from MAYO

I just got good news I've been accepted into Mayo Clinic's Mood Disorder Clinic -it's all new. First of it's kind for Mayo - I go first week of July. I'm going to get a second evaluation, tests and opinion -do I really have a mood disorder? Funny word "disorder". I work fast, talk fast, think fast. Constantly I've running ahead of my team mates. I can finish people's sentences before they even get to the verb telling the tense of the action they are talking about (dangling preposition -sorry). Anyway. The new term is Pharmopsychological or a Pharma-psychiatrist.
Boy, that ought to have Tom Cruise jumping on couches....."Matt,, don't know what you are talking about -you are so glibb" said Tom Cruise on the Today Show. The same Tom Cruise that dropped out of High School never spent a day in College....but graduated Donor Cum Loudest for L Ron Hubbard and Church of Scientology....which cured Mr. Cruise of his they say.....anyway I digress enugh to be sued...right Tommie Cruise...sue me....sue the world....I'm going to Mayo to get another opinion....why can't I sleep.....I'm on my 10th different sleep med...only Seroquel would work and It was a sledge hammer...felt like Rodeo Cowboy in the morning the lasted 2 minutes on a Bull and then 6 hours in a bar...I'm going to Mayo...I can't wait....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Okay 2:21Am can't sleep - every had that feeling?

Did as much as I could today. I should be tired. But Work or the thought of work has me all riled up. Can't sleep. I have plenty of sleep meds in me. Still can't sleep. 1431 unread emails= they can wait. Don't wan't to answer them now. You send an email -you get two back. In the old days (early 2000's) you could send an email and that was that - some one would read your email and do what you wanted - now they question your asking, your authority, your timing, your motive, and anything you leave to suspect. That prompts 2-3 clean up emails - just because you sent one email to a team mate. What happened to true teamanship?- it died along with American Pie. Seems you give anyone a little bit of authority and they presume they can now question everything. We all need Donald Trump somewhere saying "You're Fired". The hammer has to come down just to make sense again of email. Too many people hide behind prepostions, nouns, adjectives and particles in emails.....emails should all be time bombed -if you do not act upon them within 24 hours they should disappear. And then only the receiver must beg the sender to send the email again with the sole promise that he/she will complete the task pronto. Deal?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday- Hot Day in Texas

Hey Sleep Meds worked last night. Long hard sleep. I needed that.

Up early at 6am . Coffee and Austin Statesman. Read other papers online- LA Times and Las Vegas Journal Review (for Entertainment).

Both Multi-montors working well now. Got back from day trip to Taylor Texas. I bought 5 JFK Silver 1/2 dollars for $1.75 to 2.00 -guess they don't know price of silver is up in that little Tx town.

Looking at Emerging Market Funds today. When I look at BRIC- I seem to not focus on China and Russia part -due to Political in-stability (is that a word?). But more on BRAZIL and INDIA funds.

Mad Money talks about 8 Countries to invest in: Peru, Brazil, Turkey, Russia, China, Ubeckistan,
India and Korea. Gun shy on lots of these.
How do you play them?
Just call a Fidelity Broker and say I want 1000 Share of Ubeckistan Growth Fund?
Anyway. Being cautious. Going with Fidelity Latin American Diversified Fund and Mathews India Index (that sucks for 2008 so far). But all US companies are counting on better sales and growth outside USA than inside. Visit a car lot. Or a large Department Store- sales and traffic are way off. Even Home Depot (or as Cramer calls it Home Despot) is counting on International Sales higher than US sales.

Waiting for the Japenese to make the ALL Battery powered Auotmobile. Say goodbye to $140/barrel on oil. and Dubai Towers maybe empty at that time.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Are you Manic? Does it Bother you?

Okay. Let's talk. My buddy- says why don't don't you write a blog. Sure no one wants to admits or shout "I've been diagnosed Bipolar". Well - there are two is Manic. I work too much, I talk fast. I walk fast. I think fast. Is that wrong?

I work at Microsoft. I bet you (opps I bet- is that wrong?) 65% of the FTE's at MS (that's our lingo for Microsoft (we're too busy to type the full the name) are Manic. Watch this.

I have watched this for 10 straight years (even seen it 2-3 times per year at MGB/MGX and WWPC (WorldWide Partner Conference) and at the MS Company meeting. My main visions of
my CEO are all Manic.

Help me out here.

I stopped drinking alcohol 15 years 10 months, and 21 days ago -all on my own volition (6 bit word). No fancy intervention, no clinic, no AA, not that I'm making light of those places but I'm a strong will individual that can things on his own when he wants to at any given time. People hear this and CONGRATULATE me. But if I tell them I'm Bipolar or Manic- they run and they say "I'm sorry". Well I'm blogging. Help me out. Tell me your manic story.

I'm not alone.
