Friday, July 4, 2008

Off to Mayo Clinic Tomorrow - First Ever Clinic

Okay, May not be a post for awhile - or maybe one every day. I'm off to Mayo Clinic for First ever Mood Disorder (??nice word) Clinic. I need a two or third opinion. Austin's Medical community is too small -they all know each other and cover each other's tracts. Not that they are doing anything wrong. But are they always right? Is zonergram the right drug? Or does the Dr. prescribe it because some cute Drug Rep walks in the door handing out free pens and a free dinner to talk to some Research Director at **** resturant. I don't know. I don't have access to that information. All I know is I'm told I'm manic, well so is 60% of the people at Microsoft that I work with and have worked with- is that bad? They have a 94% market share on Worldwide computer operating systems. A $60B company and the richest man in the World and most the other top ten (except for the Walton clan). Can manic be that bad? Sure if it manifests in negative manic (ie Hitler or Manson). But Manic was bad for Jim Gray - Smartest man I met. til he thought he could manage the sea at night. or Steven Fossett in his last flight. Did he try too much?

So men see things as they are and say why, Manics see things that never were and say WHY the Hell not??? A little RFK paraphasing... So was RFK Manic? You be the judge.

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