Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Good News - I get another Evaluaton -This from MAYO

I just got good news I've been accepted into Mayo Clinic's Mood Disorder Clinic -it's all new. First of it's kind for Mayo - I go first week of July. I'm going to get a second evaluation, tests and opinion -do I really have a mood disorder? Funny word "disorder". I work fast, talk fast, think fast. Constantly I've running ahead of my team mates. I can finish people's sentences before they even get to the verb telling the tense of the action they are talking about (dangling preposition -sorry). Anyway. The new term is Pharmopsychological or a Pharma-psychiatrist.
Boy, that ought to have Tom Cruise jumping on couches....."Matt,,Matt..you don't know what you are talking about -you are so glibb" said Tom Cruise on the Today Show. The same Tom Cruise that dropped out of High School never spent a day in College....but graduated Donor Cum Loudest for L Ron Hubbard and Church of Scientology....which cured Mr. Cruise of his homosexuality...so they say.....anyway I digress enugh to be sued...right Tommie Cruise...sue me....sue the world....I'm going to Mayo to get another opinion....why can't I sleep.....I'm on my 10th different sleep med...only Seroquel would work and It was a sledge hammer...felt like Rodeo Cowboy in the morning the lasted 2 minutes on a Bull and then 6 hours in a bar...I'm going to Mayo...I can't wait....

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